Monday, 13 April 2015

Brand Positiong Strategy for Effective Social Media Brand Voice Campaign

Have you ever wondered how companies communicate with their audiences with varying trends. Especially in the written form! It is also key to the impression which every company makes. Brand positioning is a system or a process you can say, which helps in communication between your brand and customers.

Major cities like Melbourne in Australia have a lot of business agencies and firms. To compete with them, you need a perfect brand strategy for your business. It will aid you for your brand awareness and brand establishment.

Brand tone of voice is vital to expressing your brand identity.
The correct pitch can aid a business differentiate itself from competitors, strengthen the brand's personality, and support the brand's promise to its customers. Get a kick start for your brand speech by considering the following concepts, which play an important role in a well-rounded social media brand voice.

1) Pitch
Pitch or tone is the underlying vibe, which originates from your brand’s communications. This is where you set up your trustworthiness; place your brand in the past, present or future; and delicately aware fans and followers about your brand whether it is going to be wide-open or a bit more buttoned up. Be a show off if your character and act something like a street-savvy hip hop artist, but know that meek generally goes beyond in generating customer reliability. Clinical or scientific could be superior for a very precise B2B entity or expert services organisation.

2) Language
Language is a also a crucial part of your brand positioning system. Coming off sounding like you’re smarter than your customers could affect on people pretty quickly. Establishing an appropriate brand language will present you a basic for the types of words, phrases and jargon to be used in social media communications. Want to shout about our brand very exclusive? Then use insider language and acronyms. Want to sound trendy? Stay up-to-date on the newest slang. But be careful with the upset slangs.
3) Purpose
The final point is why are you here! What is your main purpose? Your brand voice in social media can assist your customers to understand what you want to do with and for them. Are you putting effort to educate your user base? Do you desire to glee them, and get them to visit your store or website just because they are entertained by what you are writing? And even if you do would like to sell things, what can you provide people to facilitate them become engaged by your brand?

Your brand pitch in social media will develop over time. It would be great to think in brand positioning strategy about undertaking a brand voice development exercise before you open a new Twitter/Facebook account. But if you have already been engaging in social media and feel like your voice requires renewed, start working on it in time or now. Make slight alterations and your fans and followers almost certainly would not even notice that there was a change. So start a brand positioning strategy with a perfect brand voice in social media.

Want a brand voice which suits your brand positioning strategy? Then contact Liquid creativity – A creative firm in Melbourne.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Top 8 Tips from Brand Developers of Melbourne for Your Business

The fabulous advantages of a usefully defined brand can bring the same as when folks fall in love with each other! The customers connect emotively with your brands because they share the same values and beliefs of your brand which ultimately leads to higher sales and better brand variation. It also brings you loyal customers.

Below I am going to explain ten tips on how to effectively implement branding for your business.


1. Begin by specifying your brand.
Check properly the product or service your business offers, identify the space in the market it conquers and research the poignant and rational needs and disquiets of your clients.

2. Always think as user point of view while considering your brand.
Our personality defines how we act in various situations, like how we talk and what we say. Of course for folks it's in-built and it's rare that you even reflect what your own character is, but when you are constructing a brand it's important to have that understanding.

3. Check the X Factor of your business.
X Factors like what does it believe in, what is its determination and who are the heroes.

4. Build a perspective for long-term relationships with your customers.
Don’t raise the expectations which end with broken promises, build trust with authentic branding, be strong about your company and be honest to the values which result it every day.

5. Maintain consistency in your tone or voice with your customers.
It will aid to reinforce the character of business and simplify its offering so clients are aware precisely what to anticipate from the product or service.

6. Try something new message rather repeating old one again and again.
Otherwise, try to create your key messages work together to figure out a coherent individuality.

7. Do not try to copy the look of chains or big brands.
Like the message, try and figure out your own unique brand identity. It is the perception of consumers to be run away from the independent establishments, and several chains which are in fact vexing to copy an independent thing to capture some of that market. Actually self-determining operators can leverage their status to fascinate customers who are observing for something more unique and trustworthy, that supports with how feel about themselves.

8. The traditional way of hallmarking your logo on everything.
In future the nature of branding will be fluid and engaging. Show some respect to your customers' intelligence by not providing everything away up front. Create some conspiracy and let them to extract more about your brand for themselves. In this way, you can substitute ambassadors who advertise by shouting in the market about what they have discovered.

These are the top eight tips for brand development from brand developers of Melbourne city. Melbourne is a developed city in art, education and technology. Certainly brand development is not a simple job to do. Only experts can perform the accurate things. If you have any doubt, then you should hire a brand development company rather than doing any experiments.

Liquid creativity has been housed with a team of expert brand developers who have been serving clients not only in Melbourne, but also across the Australia. Get a free quote today and empower your business to stand out among competitors. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Salient points to achieve Brand Positioning

What is Brand Positioning?

In simple words, brand positioning is the method of positioning your brand in the mind of your clients. Brand positioning is also referred to as a positioning plan, brand policy, or a brand positioning announcement.

So how to develop your brand positioning, let’s have a glance on them. There are 8 steps to position your brand in the market which is given below:
In order to build a position approach, you must first recognize the uniqueness of your brand and conclude what distinguishes you from your rivalry.

8 Key Steps:

1. Figure out how your brand is positioning itself now.
2. Recognize the direct competitors
3. Be aware of how each competitor is positioning their branding in the market
4. Evaluate your positioning to your competitors so that you can classify your exceptionality
5. Expand a separate and value-based positioning scheme
6. Develop a brand positioning statement
7. Analyses the effectiveness of your brand positioning statement
8. Create effective taglines for the brand

Positioning Statements vs. Taglines

Brand positioning statements: They are generally confused with the company taglines or 
slogans. Positioning statements are for the inner use. These statements, conduct the marketing and operating choices of your business. A positioning statement assists you make important decisions that influence perception of your customers and their brands.

For example: has a very nice positioning statement in 2001 when it exclusively sold books: “For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, is a retail bookseller that provides instant access to over 1.1 million books. Unlike traditional book retailers, provides a combination of extraordinary convenience, low prices, and comprehensive selection.”

Taglines: A tag line is an outside statement or slogan which used in the marketing efforts. The brand positioning statement can be turned into a tagline, but it is imperative to differentiate these two i.e. which is statement and which is a slogan. Once you have a powerful brand positioning statement you can build a tagline or slogan that assists to create the position you are wondering to own. 

For examples:

SCODA: Simply clever

Mercedes-Benz: Engineered like no other car in the world

BMW: The ultimate driving machine

Incorporating your brand position in the minds of your clients:

To integrate the position of your brand in the minds of your clients, you must begin it from your business. Each member of your company who handles the clients has to be the great appearance of your position and, since every person handles the customer in some way, they should have the best appearance of your position.

Generally, most of the marketers don’t have the clearness and confidence in their words. Without confidence, you evade to the condition. Twist the whole things which you do and convert into an appearance of your desired position and you can build something extraordinary. This takes guts to vigorously position your brand that means you have to stand for something. Only then you are truly on your own way to owning your very own position in the mind of your clients.

Liquidcreativity will aid you to achieve your brand positioning strategy. It is a Melbourne based company which eagerly helps its clients to establish their brands.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Brand Design in Melbourne – A smart move for any organization

Every business needs to be famous in this competitive market otherwise the competitors will grab all the areas you want to cover. But there are some brand design agencies who can help out to acquire this kind of situation. When an owner of a business approaches you to establish a new brand identity for their product, service or event, things can look a little bit deterring.

The brand design in Melbourne is really very incredible. The agencies apply all the skills they have to build up in your brand in a slightly different way. There are some expert tips which are applied by these brand design agencies in Melbourne. By following these tips it might be your brand on the angle of every street! Just have a look:

1. Strategic from the beginning:
Before starting work on a new brand, draw up a framework of brand strategy to form a set of values and a proposal which will suit both client and you. It is quite essential to gauge the creativity and relevancy of your work so that the client can benchmark your concepts and works. It will be easily observable when you start your work on that brand.

2. Research is a must:
After a proper strategy, the next step is to understand the personality of the brand, its history, function and the culture at the back it. Dig up every tone of who the customer is and what is the main objective of the company, plus the aim of target market, how it is yearning to be perceived, and formats and frameworks for where it wishes to endorse itself.

3. Ensure the competition: 
Closely observe the colours, lettering and visual styles which are applied by your competitors, and then create something accurately exclusive. Think from the corner of a user and the variation used by your rivals, strategies, adaptations and endorsement in the market. Then stand back and judge it with your customer hat on so that you can do something different which will be approved by your clients.

4. Don't depend upon the logo only:
No doubt a logo is sometimes the key player that holds brand uniqueness together and makes it instantly famous, but brands are not built on logos only. While creating the brand identity only a logo can represent the company name but bigger images can create an impression on the minds of the clients and users who seek to be a part of your organisation.

5. Don't underestimate any client:
It does not matter how much experience you have, the client knows the products and services better than you ever will be. So first listen to them, what they want, what are the basic requirements to market their products and services.

What is smart branding?

Smart branding separates and expresses the most imperative mania about a confident customer experience or a political movement, policy, concept by framing it in recognizable terms. It does this by beating into superior concepts and feelings that already exist as part of the combined memory, and associating them with the precise thing being branded.

Smart brand design in Melbourne service is offered by an Australian company named as Liquidcreativity. The brand developers of this company assist the clients to grow their business in this competitive market. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Boom Your Market Positioning Strategy by Asking 5 Questions To Yourself

Starting before each business, a proper strategy is quite essential. So what you need to be prepared while planning something? Ask your mind and relax! I will explain some questions and definitely their answers which you should ask yourself before planning your marketing positioning strategy.


1. Who are your targeted audiences?
It is the first and foremost question to ask your mind because without identifying proper audience your business will be just like bird without wings. So first classify your customers in groups and segmenting them in different classes will be your first step. Recognize them for specific product or service wise so that it will help you to be more specific.

2. Where to find the place of my product or service in market?
You have to identify the place of your products and services in market in terms of quality and price. Here you will find lots of discrepancy in this. As per the best positioning strategy you have to initiate from low price with high quantity. This will be the main strategy to figure out that where you stand with other marketers in the market. You can compare different attributes like price and quality.

3. How Can I Figure Out my targeted audience?
You can pick up your targeted audiences by doing some research on their wants and needs. You can do a survey on the demographics like age and gender. This will be totally governed by your available budget. You have to also target specific geographic audience because demands vary from place to place. You have to ask yourself about the perfect investment so that you will get the right return on investment (ROI).

4. Is my positioning strategy has been tuned with my branding properly?
Your marketing campaign creates an impression in the minds of your audience. The way you communicate in whatever platform will build a mirror for example, if you market your product or service with high durability, quality, new features and in luxury market, then you should target the clients who are looking for luxury branding in Melbourne or any other giant business place.

5. How can I scale the accuracy of my branding and positioning strategy?
Of course you have to measure the performance of your business with all the endeavors. It will ensure you to track your marketing strategy. In any business the main KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is sales. When you make money by your sales, then you are assured for it. And this can be only achieved when you take feedbacks, reviews and comments from your audiences. It not only improves your business strategy but also empower your sales in market.


Quick Wraps Of Above Points:
The above five points should be definitely asked to any business starter who has the dream to build the business empire in the targeted market. Any strategy that needs proper way t be implanted. So before asking some business consultants you can ask some questions to yourself as you are the real tycoon of the business. Your market positioning and branding in Melbourne will be succeed if you are going to implement the ideas which I have mentioned above.

Liquid creativity speaks that no more false promises. It will assure you in branding and positioning strategy in Melbourne. Contact us today for a better business!